In recent years, the scientific community has suspected that the gut microbiota plays a role in the development of disease. This correlation has been confirmed, in humans, between an imbalance in the gut microbiota and the development of amyloid plaques in the brain, which are at the origin of Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, dysregulation of the gut microbiome increases the risk of dementia independent of the other traditional risk factors. The presence of bacterial products, such as microbiome-associated metabolites in the systemic circulation may also increase inflammation which can lead to dementia.
Recent studies show that your brain affects your gut health and vice versa. The communication system between your gut and brain is called the gut-brain axis. Neurons are cells found in your brain and central nervous system that tell your body how to behave. There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the human brain. Interestingly, your gut contains 500 million neurons, which are connected to your brain through nerves in your nervous system. This suggests that the vagus nerve is important in the gut-brain axis and its role in stress. Our gut and brain are also connected through chemicals called neurotransmitters.
Neurotransmitters produced in the brain control feelings and emotions. For example, the neurotransmitter serotonin contributes to feelings of happiness and also helps control your body clock. Interestingly, many of these neurotransmitters are also produced by your gut cells and the trillions of microbes living there. A large proportion of serotonin is produced in the gut. Gut microbes also produce a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which helps control feelings of fear and anxiety. The trillions of microbes that live in your gut also make other chemicals that affect how your brain works. Your gut microbes produce lots of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) such as butyrate, propionate and acetate. They make SCFA by digesting fiber. SCFAs affect brain function in a number of ways, such as reducing appetite.
Your gut-brain axis is also connected through the immune system. Gut microbes play an important role in your immune system and inflammation by controlling what is passed into the body and what is excreted. If your immune system is switched on for too long, it can lead to inflammation which is associated with a number of brain disorders like depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is an inflammatory toxin made by certain bacteria. It can cause inflammation if too much of it passes from the gut into the blood. This can happen when the gut barrier becomes leaky, which allows bacteria and LPS to cross over into the blood. Inflammation and high LPS in the blood have been associated with a number of brain disorders including severe depression, dementia and schizophrenia.
GutMEND® is a proprietary formulation that contains specific ingredients to help repair a leaky gut and inflammatory conditions of the digestive system. Our product does not contain probiotics. Probiotics are live microbes (yeast or bacteria) that provide health benefits when taken in the right amounts. Research shows that the type of microbe strain, health condition, product formula, dose, and the quality of the product are all important for effectiveness. Probiotics don’t work for everyone due to unique gene makeup, age, health, diet and bacteria that you already have in your body. Probiotics don’t work if the dose isn’t correct (too few CFU), if it's the wrong strain or if they were stored improperly. Humidity, heat and light can affect probiotics negatively. Some may need to be refrigerated. One of the biggest challenges with probiotics is their fragile nature. They must survive the process of manufacturing, storage, and survive the trip through stomach acid and bile in order to be effective and colonize your gut. These are the reasons why GUTMEND is a non-probiotic gut health supplement.
GutMEND® contains the following important ingredients to combat inflammation and indigestion:
1. L-glutamine is an amino acid that is fundamental to the well-being of the digestive system. Your intestinal lining actually uses L-glutamine as fuel to create a strong surface for digestion and absorption. Supplementing with L-glutamine is the most effective treatment to heal the gut lining for those suffering from leaky gut, malabsorption, or inflammatory bowel disease (IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative colitis). L-glutamine helps seal the tight junctions in your gut and restores your gut lining to an optimal state even faster.
2. Marshmallow root contains mucilage and is an excellent supporter against leaky gut syndrome, which develops when particles leak outside tiny openings in the gut lining, allowing them to enter the bloodstream where they can trigger autoimmune reactions. It moistens the mucous membranes and coats the stomach lining absorbing toxins and combating inflammation in the tissue. Marshmallow root is useful in lowering or preventing heartburn, stomach ulcer symptoms, diarrhea and constipation.
3. Artichokes are a great source of fiber, which can help keep your digestive system healthy by promoting friendly gut bacteria, reducing your risk of certain bowel cancers, and alleviating constipation and diarrhea. Artichokes contain inulin, a type of fiber which acts as a prebiotic. Artichokes have the ability to boost the production of digestive bile and to nourish the digestive tract, improving gut flora and restoring proper gut health.
4. Caraway has historically been utilized to treat several digestive conditions, including indigestion and stomach ulcers. Human studies show that caraway relaxes your digestive tract's smooth muscle tissue, thus relieving digestive problems including heartburn, bloating, gas, loss of appetite, and mild spasms of the stomach and intestines.
5. Ginger is a common natural treatment for stomach issues. Studies demonstrate that supplementing with ginger can help increase the movement of food through your stomach, improve indigestion, decrease bloating, and reduce intestinal cramping. Ginger has an elaborate chemical makeup and scientists have identified 115 bioactive compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiemetic properties. Clinical trials indicate that ginger can reduce nausea and vomiting resulting from motion sickness, pregnancy, indigestion and some chemotherapies.
6. Calendula can improve digestion and absorption, reduce inflammation in the gut wall, detoxify the body from pathogens, help fight amoebic infections and worms and help to heal pelvic and bowel infections. People with irritable bowel syndrome can benefit from calendula because it protects the stomach lining and repairs the gut wall (leaky gut). Calendula contains anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
7. Quercetin affects the progress of microbiota-associated diseases. Notably, quercetin supplementation increases gut microbial diversity, which improves gut protection. Quercetin has been shown to enhance gut barrier function by having a “sealing” effect due to its role in the assembly and expression of tight junction proteins. Tight junctions regulate our intestinal permeability by connecting intestinal cells, thus only allowing the nutrients that we need in and keeping everything else out.